4 Signs to Find a Personal Injury Lawyer After a Bicycle Accident

4 Signs to Find a Personal Injury Lawyer After a Bicycle Accident

Experiencing a bicycle accident is frightening, and it’s common to be unsure of what to do next when you’re dealing with painful injuries. Bicycle and vehicle collisions often lead to serious injuries for cyclists, but you might find yourself facing a legal battle to prove fault and recover compensation for your medical care. Watching for these four signs that you need a personal injury lawyer can help you decide the best way to proceed with your case.

1- You Experienced Serious Injuries

You can experience major injuries during car collisions with your bicycle even at slow rates of speed. Head injuries are common injuries, and you might find that a concussion impacts your ability to remember everything that happened. Back and neck injuries can also be severe, and you might not develop symptoms for days to weeks after the accident. After seeking medical care, your next step is to contact a lawyer who can begin working on your behalf to recover the costs of your treatment.

2- You Are Struggling With the Financial Fallout

Speaking of costs, you might be facing staggering medical bills that you simply can’t pay alone. When someone else is at fault for the accident, then you shouldn’t have to worry about paying for emergency room visits or ongoing physical therapy. A personal injury attorney knows how to hold the responsible party accountable for making sure that you don’t have to pay out of your own pocket for injuries that aren’t your fault. Keep in mind that this assistance also includes recovering funds for missed work time and other financial losses you might have incurred.

3- You Receive a Lowball Settlement Offer or Denial

Insurance is designed to protect people involved in accidents from financial strain. But, insurance companies also tend to focus on making the lowest offers possible for accidents. Sadly, your insurance claim could be denied by the other party’s company, or they could give you a ridiculously low settlement offer that won’t cover all of your associated costs. A personal injury lawyer can look at the details of your case along with your medical records to develop a stronger understanding of what type of settlement an insurance company should provide.

4- You Lack Evidence to Prove the Other Party’s Fault

In the rush to get medical treatment, you might not have had time to take photos of the incident. Or, you may not have a camera on your bicycle that proves what led up to the accident. The good news is that lawyers are experienced in finding evidence that they can use to bolster a case. From requesting video footage from nearby companies to obtaining copies of police reports and witness statements, you’ll have access to more evidence than you might be able to gather on your own.

As you work on managing your bicycle injury case, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. Working with an experienced personal injury lawyer can take a large amount of stress off your shoulders. If you’re struggling with your recovery, then reach out to a personal injury lawyer today and regain control over your healing.





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